Please Upload the Graphics to Your Own Server
As a graphics site on the Internet, I feel this site and others like it are doing a service for the whole Internet community. We make and/or provide
the graphics for FREE. We don't ask for much in return except for the following: that you
DO NOT LINK DIRECTLY TO THESE GRAPHICS. Here are the reasons, as I see them, why not to link.
1. I get about 2,000 visitors a day to my various graphics pages. If only 1/10 of them linked to the graphics, then that would be about 200 people per day linking. If each of these 200 people linked to 2 graphics (an average amount) then that would be 400 links a day. So if your homepage is not on the Ace of Space server, then your homepage's server has to contact my server to get each graphic that is linked there. This contact happens each time your homepage is loaded by a visitor. These contacts put increasing demands on the Ace of Space server. Some graphics providers have had to shut down because they were billed thousands of dollars by their service provider because of the bandwidth use. I don't deserve to lose my web pages because of this ever-increasing problem. I hope this helps you understand why it is so IMPORTANT NOT TO LINK.
Think about it before you LINK, and then DON'T LINK! Because if you continue to link, then my graphics site or many of the others might not be there in the future! There are some sites that say linking directly to their site for graphics is's NOT OKAY here. If you really don't know how to upload a graphic to your own site or what to use in your HTML document, just ask me. I'm more than happy to help you with any of your homepage questions.
2. This is my home page and I change graphics, delete them and do what I like--just like you do. Instead of linking to my graphics, take and upload them to your own directory. I have had numerous people send me E-Mail after I have removed graphics from my home page telling me that I messed up their homepage. If you link to something of mine and I remove it, then your home page will be without the graphic, background etc. It's like this. I don't tell you what you can put on your home page and you don't have the right to tell me what I can have on mine. You never know what might end up on your page or what might not end up on your home page if you link to my graphics. How would you feel if you were forced to remove your site from the Internet because others are linking directly to your graphics? I say this not only for my site but for most all graphics sites on the Internet.
Please be kind enough to allow me to keep enjoying what I do.
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